Monday, April 29, 2013

I went to a talent show for my YSA stake tonight, sat by a lonesome looking boy that I didn't know and struck up a conversation. I decided to be brave and social this summer. (You may laugh thinking that I already am, but it's harder back home for some reason.) Anyway... I talked to several people I didn't know, a few that I haven't seen since high school and a few that I already knew but haven't seen in a while. It is good to be home. :)

Also - when I got home afterward, there was homemade food waiting for me. Sweet and sour chicken and homemade fried rice! My little sister likes cooking, and is really good at it. Here I am sitting in the kitchen eating delicious food and writing about the wonderful things in my life. How can life get better? :)

Today I am grateful for all the great new people that I haven't met yet, and the courage to say hi to them. As well as delicious food that I don't have to make. ;)
I am grateful for the technologies available to me and the way they help me to share the gospel and my beliefs as well as hear from others. I have a good friend from high school who is going through a hard time right now. She recently gave birth to her first child at 25 weeks and her and her husband are such an example of faith to me. They started a Blog to keep people updated on their daughter Kennedy and each post recognizes the role of the Lord in our lives (Here is one post that I think everyone should read).

I also love having email. It is so convenient to get an email from my brother each week telling me of his life and sharing pictures like this one...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My little sister came to me a few nights ago and asked if I want to have nightly prayers and scripture study with her. I feel like I have been struggling to stay on top of both of these things lately. We have only been doing it for 2 nights now, but I love it! We read 1 Nephi chapters 3 and 4 tonight, where Nephi and his brothers go back to get their possessions from Laban.  I loved chapter 4 v. 3 where it says "Ye know that this is true;.... Wherefore can ye doubt?" I feel like a main theme in these chapters was about trusting in God and knowing that he won't give you anything you can't handle,as well as learning to not doubt Him.

Today was stake conference in my home YSA stake. Apparently there were over a thousand people there. It was sort of nuts. But I love seeing that many young people (that many people period!) all gathered in one place just for the Gospel! Love it! My stake president was talking about the scriptures and he said "I've had dark days, weeks, and even months. But each time I open the Book of Mormon, I am filled with light. I am so grateful to know the remedy for fear, loneliness, or anger. It cures me every time. If we truly want to be aligned with our Heavenly Father and feel that peace that He brings, we do it by praying and by reading the holy scriptures." That is so true, and such a wonderful reminder. I know that my new resolution to be better about consistent scripture reading will bless my life. I love this gospel, and I am grateful for the peace that it brings. And I love my little sister. I am grateful that she is such a good example to me. :)
I am grateful for the knowledge that I have of who I am. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who takes the time to listen to my worries and helps me to solve my problems... Happy Sunday!

I'm awful at this. Ok, so... Since I have written last, I have had a movie/hot tub night with a bunch of people from my ward (staying out way too late before an early meeting), gone to said meeting and learned more about my internship (yay!), been asked on a date (for this coming Friday), moved home and hung out with the family for the last couple of days, and thoroughly deep-cleaned my bedroom at home.

Also - I went to the school where I will be teaching and met my principal, facilitator, and the rest of the 3rd grade team. I picked a good day to go, because it was their "yard sale" day. Apparently towards the end of the school year every teacher in the school puts all of the stuff out in the hallway that they don't want anymore (some of it is really great, they are just switching grade levels and don't need it anymore or something like that). Anyway... All of the other teachers sort of just wander the school and take each other's stuff. So the 3rd grade teachers were loading my arms up with things that I may want, and even cleared off a shelf in the storeroom for me to keep it. They invited me to their Friday planning meetings, and one of them asked if I could come in and spend time with her while she is off track so that she can get me up to date. I also asked if I can come in and observe, and they said to drop by any time. They seem really friendly and helpful, and I am excited to be a part of the team. :)

I am grateful for this internship, as scary is it feels. I am grateful for good friends that gave me so many memorable times in Provo. I am grateful for clean, less cluttered spaces. And I am grateful for my family! I missed them. :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

GOOO COUGARS!!!!!! We won! Today was the Championship game against Long Beach and the Cougars won with a sweep! So exciting, I love to watch the games and I am sad that I have to wait another year for another home game but I am so glad I get the chance to go watch! I also went to the Tulip festival this week with some family friends and my family, of course. I am so grateful for the beauty that surrounds me and I loved the chance to go look at the different kinds of Tulips.
The greatest team ever! :)

These were my very favorite!

Joe feels a little too cool for this picture.

I love the bright colors of the Tulips.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today I had a busy day at work! It was crazy and at times stressful but overall lots of fun. I am so grateful for the wonderful people I work with. I always enjoy making things look pretty and I absolutely love the fun we have together! I work with some of the best people ever, they are constantly making me laugh. Today we had an event where we used some of those pitchers that have a holder for the ice that separates it from the drink. We used two, one for water and one for lemonade...

Random Guy: (Pointing at the one with water) Well that is a cool holder, is it just to keep the drink from getting watered down?
Allie: Well water is naturally watered down but that is the general idea.

The creepy pinatas were not actually used...
One of my favorite Dessert arrangements we have done.
Fun in the break room
I love my co-workers!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I am so grateful for perfect days!!! Today was great... First, I had a meeting about my internship. I can't wait to start working on my classroom! Then I went to work for a while before heading to the BYU Volleyball game (The semi-finals of the championship). BYU won in the 5th set 15-10 it was much too close for comfort but it was so much fun! I love my volleyball boys!

For your pleasure... this clip that always makes me laugh and it seems fitting considering the date!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I am grateful for these girls in my life... The friendship we have and how 'adorkable' we are (Missy and Krichelle folding napkins in the restaurant)

I love having a Temple nearby and I am so thankful for the peace it brings me!

This picture was found here

Yesterday was a blast! I had good food, got a few silly pictures (which I love!), and fun times with friends.

I was also able to be productive and get all packed (with a little help from my friends), and moved out! I am grateful for friends who will stick with me even during the boring stuff.

Also, I did my cleaning checks. As small of a thing as it is, I am grateful for clean ovens!

And... I watched Soul Surfer. I am SO grateful to have 2 arms and never have been attacked by a shark. The simple things in life are the best... like having 2 arms. Life is just good all-around right now. :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today I got to spend some time with friends... We made some food and then went to campus and took some exciting pictures! I am so grateful for my friendships!

The Idea

I decided to start this blog to keep a Journal of things that make me happy in my life. In sense a gratitude journal...